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SETL: Chris Adams
Strong Enough To Live
SETL was established in 2015 in Memory of Chris Adams who died at the age of 26 as a result of brain cancer. He was passionate and driven and wanted to inspire and help others. In order to honour his memory, SETL continues to raise awareness about brain cancer and is a fundraising platform for brain cancer research through the NRF.
SETL has raised $200,000 through various fundraising activities and Adams family donations. Funds raised have enabled ongoing research grants, annual scholarships for researchers and the purchase of vital laboratory equipment.
NeuroSurgical Research Foundation
NeuroSurgical Research Foundation funding world class medical research into disease and injury of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nervous System.
Looking for cures, improving treatments and saving children’s and adults lives, in neurosurgical diseases and injury in the brain and spine.
[Brain Tumours – how cancer invades the brain] [Parkinson’s Disease – slowing down Parkinson’s Disease] [Stroke – brain haemorrhage – aneurysms - looking for surgical cures] [Spinal Cord Injury – as a result of sporting or car accidents]
[Traumatic Brain Injury – how to stop life threatening brain swelling.]
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